General Contractor
Building Maintenance and Restoration

Gatineau and Surrounding Areas

Protection and Clarity: Our Specialities

Since 2003, Groupe Haute-Zone has been supporting our customers with our complete range of building maintenance and restoration services. The long-term preservation of your investments is at the heart of your concerns, and our window cleaning and caulking specialists are well aware of this. Don't let time spoil your property, contact us!

For maintenance that reaches new heights, 
choose our contractor!


Give your property back its shine and brightness with our window cleaning service! Small or large, irregular or high windows, we're at your disposal.

Protect your building and ensure its efficiency with our caulking expertise. Professional finishes and optimum protection: that's our promise!

From gutter cleaning to overhead dusting, let us take care of the maintenance and restoration of your property. You'll save time, guaranteed!

Let our licensed contractor

transform your space!


• Gatineau

• Ottawa

• National Capital Region

Licensed and Associated for Your Peace of Mind!



Régie du bâtiment du Québec

R.B.Q. 5662-2152-01

Why Choose Us?

Groupe Haute-Zone stands out in the region as the only window cleaning service provider with a contractor's licence. When you choose us, you're getting a team that's committed not only to the highest standards, but also to providing an incomparable customer experience

Punctual Team

Respectful Professionals

Quality Work

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